Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Nouns and Adjectives
This and That: こ・そ・あ・ど
Nouns with です
Saying “and” with Nouns
Plain forms with Nouns
な Adjectives with です
Saying “and” with な Adjectives
Plain forms with な Adjectives
い Adjectives with です
Saying “and” with い Adjectives
Plain forms of い Adjectives
The most: いちばん
Colours before Nouns
Colours with です
Counters summary
Counting systems
Using Counters in a sentence
Adverbs: Describing Actions
Common uses of Adverbs
Not often and Neverあまり and ぜんぜん
Chapter 2: Verbs
Basic Conjugations: The Verb Stem and endings
Invitations: ~ませんか
Verb Groups from the ます form
The てform
Common uses of the て Form: I am doing: ~て います
Common uses of the て Form: Please do: ~て ください
The Plain Present or Dictionary Form
ことwith the Plain Present
The Plain Past
The Plain Negative Form
The Plain Past Negative Form
The Potential Form: Making the Potential Form
Using Potential Verbs in a sentence
Chapter 3: Particles
Making Sentences in Japanese
Particles に and で
Particle も: Too, also and both
Not only but also
Chapter 4: Joining Sentences
“And” between Nouns
“And” between sentences
Joining sentences with the てform
Because: から
But: でもand が
Joining multiple ideas Part 1: ~たり~たりする
While: ながら
Chapter 5: Sentence Endings
Bring and take: もってくる・つれていく
Comparisons: のほうが
Going somewhere for a purpose: Verb stem にいきます
Past Experience: ~たことがあります
Permission to do: You may ~てもいい
Please Don’t: ~ないでください
Prohibition: You must not ~てはいけません
To be: あります and います
です vs あります
Too much: すぎます
Try Doing something: ~てみます
I want to do: ~たいです